
Click here to view my robotics projects


Click here to see my programming projects

Video Editing

Click here to view some of the videos edited by me

Who am I?

Hi. My name is Prabhav Gupta. I was born and brought up in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. I completed my schooling from Vishwa Bharati Public School, Noida. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's in Information Technology from Vellore Institute of technology, Vellore.

I am a part of Team AutoZ at VIT. It is a research driven, student led team, that aims to bring automative mobility in India. The team is actively working on a proof of concept robot, that is capable of lane detection, obstacle avoidance, and GPS coordinate system navigation. The team aims to participate in International competitions, such as Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC), in order to bring international recognition to the work and progress being done by Indian students in the field of autonomous mobility. I contribute in the Software as well as Management division of the team.

I am also doing an internship at Ation STUDIO as a video editor. Ation STUDIO is a multimedia production startup, founded under VIT-TBI by third year students of VIT. The company aims to create short animation content, do VFX, edit short film/web series, graphic designing and other related stuff.